Monday, December 6, 2010
Oh Wow, More Links!
If you have a chance, check that list out - there are some really amazing shots on it from Flickr
Thursday, December 2, 2010
New Gallery: Lego Vikings!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Another Entry to the Friends of the Sleeping Giant Photo Contest

Then I got my dad to pose. He came up with the idea to put coins in his eyes. What resulted was an extremely creepy picture:

I decided then that I wanted to submit this pic to the photo contest this year. I finally remembered to ask my dad to help me edit it (I post almost everything straight out of my camera and only edit things in rare circumstances using picnik. My dad's the expert on photo-editing in our house, as he's the one with the programs for it). The picture is now cropped, a bit darker, and renamed (I don't remember why I originally called it "Still Life," but I renamed it "Pay the Ferryman" for the contest).
I honestly have no idea what the judges will think of it! It's a pretty unique shot, most likely different from most of their other entries. But it's extremely creepy! So wish me luck! I won't know anything until the spring or summer of 2011.
Just Discovered: Someone Blogged One of My Photos!

New Betta :D, taken January 16, 2010.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Here be Spartans!

Saturday, November 20, 2010
New Gallery: Lego Halo
Friday, November 19, 2010
An Exciting Update
First of all, last year I found out the my picture, Giant Sunrise, was getting published. I finally received my copies of the book! Unfortunately, Giant Sunrise was published in black and white, so it doesn't look quite as good as the original, but I'm still extremely pleased. It appears in the book Creating Meaning: Reading and Writing for the Canadian Classroom.
The second exciting thing that happened is much more recent. Sometime over the last day I sold a print on Red Bubble! The print was for Wizard on Water (you may remember it from my post about the Cascades from early May). Thank you to whomever bought the print - you really made my day! :)
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Back to Legos!
So for the next little bit, I'll be taking pics of those, like this shot of the Lion Tamer (I just love his expression!) I even started a new Set called The Faces of Lego in which I'm going to take some closeup shots of minifigs and non minifigs. So stay tuned for more!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Blueberry has his own set on Flickr!
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Mr. Freeze on a Pteranodon
Saturday, July 17, 2010
1st Flickr Group!
Back on Flickr, I went looking for a group to post these pictures on. But I didn't really like most of the groups as they were full of game screenshots and artwork (most of which is from Blizzard). So I decided to start my own group, which I have named Starcraft Toys. I have never run a group before, so this is going to be an experience (especially since there aren't a whole lot of people taking pictures of Starcraft related toys).
Friday, July 16, 2010
Red Bubble Site

Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Six New Galleries
The first one that I made was Crystal King. As the name implies, it features shots of the Lego Power Miners Crystal King. The gallery was made in honour of me getting my own Crystal King. Unfortunately there aren't very many pictures of the Crystal King on Flickr, so like my Stormtroopers! gallery, this one features multiple pictures by the same photographers.
The next gallery I decided to make was my Flower Macros gallery. The name pretty much explains the gallery; it is full of close-up flower pictures. All of the pictures were chosen from my Favourites on Flickr. Of all the galleries that I have made so far, this is my favourite. All of the pictures were chosen from different photographers.
While building Flower Macros, I discovered that I had a lot of insect pictures in my Flickr Favourites. That prompted me to build The Insect World. The Insect World features macro pictures of insects and is really quite interesting. Like the Crystal King gallery, The Insect World again has multiple photos from the same photographers.
If you've looked at The Insect World, you may have noticed that butterflies are missing from it (with the exception of the Luna Moth, which is kind of like a butterfly). Instead of including butterfly pictures there, I built a completely separate gallery entitled Butterflies! Butterflies! features both butterflies and moths, and again is chosen from my Favourites from all different photographers, mostly because these photographers have excellent photos of different insects.
The fifth gallery I made is called The Life Aquatic. It is a fun look at some of the amazing aquatic animals here on earth. I started building it from my Favourites but had to go looking for other pictures as well. The Life Aquatic features pictures of eighteen different animals taken by eighteen different photographers.
The final gallery, Rocks in the Water, was made today. I had just added a new picture of rocks in the water to my Favourites when I decided to look and see if I had enough pictures to make a Gallery. Sure enough I did, so I put those pictures together into the fifteenth gallery I have made on Flickr. Like most of my galleries all of the pictures featured in it were taken by different photographers.
I hope you enjoy all of these pictures as much as I do!
Monday, July 12, 2010
First Camping Weekend of the Year!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
I was determined to buy Skeletor, and while looking through all of the custom figures sold by one guy, I found Spawn, whom I purchased at the same time as Skeletor, and the Lizard. I wasn't going to purchase the Lizard, but my brother talked me into it because he's so cool! Then when I went back to purchase him, I found Thor, whom I fell in love with! So I ended up buying all four minifigs in one night! They finally arrived today, and I was super excited, taking them all outside for some great shots. They're all just as awesome as I thought they'd be!!!!
I'm looking forward to a few more minifigs coming soon - I found a He-Man I liked (I decided it would be cheaper to get him than to make him as some of the skin coloured legs and stuff were expensive), and I have a Mr. Freeze on the way, too!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Sideways and Tootsie

Monday, June 28, 2010

To help with the course, I purchased Gotham's book Writing Movies: the Practical Guide to Creating Stellar Screenplays. Writing Movies deals mainly with five movies: Die Hard, the Shawshank Redemption, Thelma and Louise, Tootsie and Sideways. I've seen the first two movies in the past, but had never seen the latter three. I watched Thelma and Louise on Saturday, but have put off watching Tootsie and Sideways for the last week. So tonight, with nothing to do tomorrow afternoon, I'm going to watch both of them!
Monday, June 14, 2010
Happy Birthday to Me!!!!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
The Lives of Lego
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Legos at the Cascades!
I went for a hike with my friend to the Cascades today and brought some Lego minifigs along. I ended up just posing the Knights I brought with me and ended up with some great shots. I was also really lucky that I didn't lose anything as the rapids were roaring (this shot of Majisto for example had him balancing practically in the water at the top of a section of rapids. My friend placed the rock for him to stand on. I thought for sure I was going to lose him!)
As I was packing everything up, I decided I am definitely going to bring some pirates next time I come! I think they'll look great with these backgrounds as well. And if it's nice enough to go swimming, I can bring a ship, too....
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Duluth Trip with (Amazingly!) No Pics!
Monday, April 5, 2010
First Pics with My Space Police Officer!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Happy Easter!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Skunk Cabbage!
Today my dad and I went on an adventure to take pictures of Skunk Cabbage. This used to be my dad and grandfather's yearly spring tradition, but they haven't gone in a number of years. We went to the same swamp that they used to go to, and low and behold, the skunk cabbage are still growing there! It took us a little bit at first, but we found them poking up out of the underbrush. The first few were green, but we found the ones with red leaves, too. We're planning on going back in about a week, at which time they should be flowering!
While wandering around the swamp, I found a few areas that will make some great Lego pictures! So when I head back in a week, I'm going to take some minifigs with me!
I'm also going to need some rubber boots for next time. I wore my winter boots, which were fine because the ground is still firm. But in a week it might be a lot wetter!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Saucer Scout Update
Photo Contest Update
Thursday, March 4, 2010
A Few More Pics for the Story
On Monday, I went out and took a few more shots to add to my ongoing story about the Snowtroopers hijacking the Spyrius saucer. The four new pictures were not uploaded in order, so I have now added a line in the summary of all seven shots that says which part of the story is which.
I'm hoping to wrap it up soon, especially since the snow is melting! And since I've bought some new Lego minifigs, like Indiana Jones and my Space Police guy, I'd love to start something new. I also have an idea for a shot featuring these two once the saucer is out of the picture.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Third Place!!!!
Joe Creek Falls is going to be on display in the Sleeping Giant Provincial Park Visitor Centre this summer, and may appear in the park tabloid and on the Friends website!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Wish Me Luck!
Monday, February 22, 2010
Cat Pics!
Well, today really wasn't my day for taking pics of cats. I took a lot of pics of Chomp, and when I got home I took even more pics of Sasha, for a combined total of 65 cat pics. The 9 nicest ones are now on flickr. Unfortunately, the vast majority of them are blurry; for some reason my camera didn't want to focus on the cats, but instead focussed on the floor behind them. I think it might have been because I was a bit too close and I was using the Sports mode rather than the Program mode that I usually use. Program is a lot better, as I can take macro pics, but it's too slow. So I guess I have to take the good with the bad.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Saucer Scout Hijack
I took this picture a few weeks ago. And ever since posting it, I've been thinking about taking a second picture in which the Snowtroopers succeed in hijacking the saucer. So today, after a bit of set-up (I had a bit of trouble figuring what type of rope to use for the second Snowtrooper), I went out and took a few more shots! While I was out there, I came up with the perfect ending to the story as well. So now there are three pictures all featuring the Saucer Scout that tell the whole story of the Snowtroopers hijacking it! I'm really pleased with how the new shots turned out!
Unfortunately, while I was heading outside I dropped the saucer. I was able to find everything except for one of the red tiles with the grill. So on one side, there's only one, while on the other there are two. I'm hoping to find the piece in the spring once the snow melts, but I might buy a few replacements in the meantime (this isn't the first time I lost one; I was just really lucky that I found it last time). So for now, my saucer is going to be a bit unique!
I also finally announced the names of my Snowtroopers today on Flickr. The one who is dual wielding is called Mr. Hardcore. That's what I called him in the picture of him in the shrub and it sort of stuck. His accomplice I've called Gary for no real reason. That name has stuck, too, so there you have it: Mr. Hardcore and Gary!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Lego Indiana Jones!!!!!

More Deer Pics!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Lego Space Police

Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Found: Fright Knights!

Sunday, February 7, 2010
A World of Crystal
Friday, February 5, 2010
Crystal Ball!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Charity Print Auctions
Sunday, January 17, 2010
New Fish and New Gallery
Found: My Saucer Scout!

Saturday, January 16, 2010
New Gallery and New Deer Pics Uploaded!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Snowtroopers in Tree
Originally uploaded by s.kosoris
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Last Gallery for the Night
Your Best Shot 2009 Big Cats
Another Gallery
Flickr Galleries!!!!!
Here's a link to all the galleries that I make. Enjoy!
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Year!
The first important thing that I've done this year concerns Apocalypse Madness. There were 14 authors there, and only 6 post with any regularity. Once again, the idea is that a quote is posted on the last Monday of every month, and you write and post a story which is inspired by the quote. You do not have to post every month (sometimes you are busy, or the quote just doesn't inspire you), so there's no pressure if you forget or whatever for a month or two. But I do want authors who will contribute during the year. So all of the people who joined and have not posted anything at all, or anything in the last year were removed; the blog is down to 6 authors now. If you are interested in becoming a contributor, there's still lots of room (there can be 100 authors). Send me an email at and I'll add you to the blog!