This summer, I am taking a screenwriting course from Gotham Writers' Workshop. I have just finished up the third week of ten and I'm really enjoying it. I've got the beginnings of a screen play coming together and I like learning about an area of writing which I have never dealt with.
To help with the course, I purchased Gotham's book Writing Movies: the Practical Guide to Creating Stellar Screenplays. Writing Movies deals mainly with five movies: Die Hard, the Shawshank Redemption, Thelma and Louise, Tootsie and Sideways. I've seen the first two movies in the past, but had never seen the latter three. I watched Thelma and Louise on Saturday, but have put off watching Tootsie and Sideways for the last week. So tonight, with nothing to do tomorrow afternoon, I'm going to watch both of them!
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