Then I got my dad to pose. He came up with the idea to put coins in his eyes. What resulted was an extremely creepy picture:

I decided then that I wanted to submit this pic to the photo contest this year. I finally remembered to ask my dad to help me edit it (I post almost everything straight out of my camera and only edit things in rare circumstances using picnik. My dad's the expert on photo-editing in our house, as he's the one with the programs for it). The picture is now cropped, a bit darker, and renamed (I don't remember why I originally called it "Still Life," but I renamed it "Pay the Ferryman" for the contest).
I honestly have no idea what the judges will think of it! It's a pretty unique shot, most likely different from most of their other entries. But it's extremely creepy! So wish me luck! I won't know anything until the spring or summer of 2011.
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