You can click on the Demand It! button at the end of this post. It will take you to the site.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Demand Boondock Saints 2!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Phone Pics!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
An Overdue Update
Besides school, I got a new laptop and Halo ODST in September. My old laptop has given me tons of problems over the years, like the battery dying (and if I hadn't removed it, the battery would have eventually killed the laptop). The newest problem was that a purple vertical line appeared down the left side of the screen. If you want to see what I'm talking about, check out this page. Apparently this was a common problem with the HP ZD8000 laptop. I decided that this was the last straw, so I went out and bought a new laptop. The new one is an Acer. It's a million times quieter and cooler than the ZD8000, and also a lot faster. I'm still getting used to the keyboard (it's not as sensitive as the ZD8000's was when it worked properly), but so far I'm liking it.
Halo ODST is another thing I'm liking. I preordered it in the summer, and was counting down the days until it was released. Luckily it didn't disappoint. I haven't been able to play as much as I'd like (school is keeping me very busy) but I'm enjoying it. The campaign is a bit off - it's not as bad as Halo 2, but not as good as Halo 1 and 3. But once you play through it, you unlock the entire New Mombasa Streets, which is a lot of fun to wander around in. And the multiplayer is fun too. You battle with up to three friends against waves of enemies, instead of gainst other players. It's really tough, but great fun.
I also went to see Streetlight Manifesto in Toronto back in September. They were amazing! You can check out the pics on flickr!
The one thing I'm sad about is my lack of time to write. I wrote a quick poem on Apocalypse Madness for last month's quote, but missed writing for the September quote. I got to post this month's quote, and I'm really hoping I'll have time to write a couple of stories for it. Hopefully I'll be able to sneak some writing time in during the end of next week when I should have a bit of time.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
School's Back in Session!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Back Home from Yet Another Camping Trip
The Huronian trip was a lot of fun. We were originally going to go on Friday night, but the forecast said rain on Saturday so we waited the night and left Saturday morning. Thankfully the rest of the weekend was nice. The weather wasn't the warmest, but it didn't rain so we got in some fishing (pickerel Sunday night and bass Monday). I went swimming on Sunday (which wasn't the best idea as the lake is STILL freezing!) after my adventures seeing a bear (I was picture taking when I came up to a hill. Suddenly something big and black ran away down the path then turned to see what I'd do. I was afraid that it was a cub so I turned and walked back the way I'd come. Of course I was kicking myself afterwards that I didn't take any pics!)
The Sibley trip was originally supposed to be a one night interior camping trip at Quetico. But the way the weather has been this whole summer, we decided to play it safe by going to Sibley with the bikes and staying in the van (so if it was pouring when we woke up we could easily pack up and go home). The first day was a beautiful, warm and sunny day. We biked to Silver Islet, saw a bunch of deer and had a nice campfire. Perfect! But nothing could prepare me for this morning...the Weather Network had changed the forecast to a 70% chance of rain for today so I had already written it off as a day of rain and going home early. Instead, the sun was shining and there wasn't a cloud in the sky for most of the day! So we took another bike ride, this time to the dam, saw some more deer, hung out on the beach reading and fit in a nature trail; another perfect day!
So I'm back home now, after two great days at Sibley. I've uploaded my pics onto Flickr, so please go and check them out!!!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Zombie Hamlet Returns!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
A Whole Wack of New Pics on Flickr
Friday, June 19, 2009
Cities and Knights!

For my birthday, I bought myself Catan: Cities and Knights. I love the original game, Settlers of Catan, and decided that I would like to try one of the expansions. After some debate, I purchased the Cities and Knights expansion (it was a toss up between Cities and Knights and Traders and Barbarians, but in the end I decided to go with the first one because it seems to be the more popular with people).
So today I finally got to try it out with a couple of friends! I can't believe how different it is from the original game. There's a lot more to it, and it also seems a bit slower paced. But it was still a lot of fun. I'm not entirely sure that we were playing it correctly, (the Pirate Ship never seemed to do anything) but I did enjoy it. I can't wait to play it again (and some more of the original Settlers, as I love that game!!!!)
The Saws Have a New Home!!!!
The saws that I got for Ukrainian Christmas this past year have remained in their package. I had no where to put them, so I didn't bother opening them up until recently. I first needed a tape measure, so I took the one out of the saw kit. And then the other day, my brother came downstairs looking for a hack saw. So I opened up the rest of the kit, thinking I was going to get to saw things. Sadly, I didn't, as my dad pulled his hack saw out and was out the door before mine was out. I now had the saws out of the package with nowhere to put them.
This was when I hit upon the idea of using my Canadian Tire Money to buy a tool kit especially for them! So I went to Canadian Tire earlier today with some friends and bought myself one! It had to be a bit bigger so it could fit the cross cut saw (it nearly didn't! I have to keep the cross cut saw on an angle!) Thanks to the Canadian Tire Money I had, it only cost me $0.17!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Here's the Garden!
Garden Time!!!!
The top of the garden has been full of random plants that my dad found by the tracks for the last few years. So it's going to be a real battle fixing it up now. I'm going to leave the raspberry bushes there (but keep them near the back), the irises, and the vine that he planted, but pretty much everything else is gone! Everything's been running wild over the last few years, so I'm thinking it will take a few years before I can get it back under control again!
So anyway, the weather forecast was for rain this afternoon, but the sky looked pretty clear, so I started planting right when I got home. Of course, I failed to take into account the wicked wind, which kept blowing in massive clouds every ten minutes or so. I ended up hanging out beside a tree during a bit of hail, and getting rained on afterwards. But everything is planted, and looking good! I will be posting pictures on Flickr (possibly in a day or two, depending on the weather!)
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Finally Updated Flickr!
Oh, and my dad finally posted a few more pics on Flickr. Please check them out, they're awesome! You can find them here!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Home from Toronto!
The first night I hung out with a couple of friends in Brampton and we had a Bad Movie Night! I would go into details, but I am trying to forget about one of the movies we watched (Queen Kong). The next day I went back into downtown Toronto and stayed with my bro. We had many wacky adventures (like buying yogurt spoons). Sadly, I did not take many pictures, but what I have will be going up on Flickr.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
School is Over!!!!!
Friday, March 27, 2009
A School Update
The second project that I officially finished yesterday was my group project in Popular Fiction. I lucked out and had only one other member of my group. Between the two of us, we had the project finished this past Tuesday. The project ended up four posters depicting key issues within the graphic novel Watchmen. It was a lot of fun to make (I had fun drawing pictures of people exploding for the Nuclear War topic. I drew three pictures using charcoal which turned out rather well).
This leaves one more essay to write, and then two exams and I am finished school for the year!
360 Back Home!
Needless to say, after enabling everything on the new console, I played Halo Wars all night last night.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
The Continuing Xbox 360 Saga
Saturday, March 21, 2009
The Xbox 360 Saga

Monday, March 9, 2009
No Spacelord Again
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
A Very General What's Going On
Over Study Week, I had very little I had to do. I had one book that I needed to read for school (Bridget Jones's Diary) and a project to start planning. Other than that, I was pretty free to do a bit of fun reading. I didn't take as much advantage of that as I would have liked to, but I got through about three fun books (see The List for details). Of course, I also had a grand old time wandering through bookstores, so the List has a few more titles on it now. I also picked up a few fun books, like Kittens in the Sun which is a book full of kitten pictures.
As for writing, I didn't do a whole lot until near the end of Study Week. I wrote the new Spacelord early, and had a lot of fun with the post. I also revised a story which I am planning on submitting to the LU Lit Mag sometime before midnight tonight (I'm going to look over it again before submitting it). And then I found out about a writing contest that is open for English majors at LU, so I need to come up with something before March 2.
I also got to see a few movies that I really wanted to see. Last Thursday I saw Gran Torino, the new Clint Eastwood movie. It was a really good movie; I laughed a lot throughout it. Then this Saturday night, I saw Underworld: Rise of the Lycans. It was alright. Better than the second Underworld movie (Evolution). Finally, I saw Slumdog Millionaire. I absolutely loved the music! It was a really good story.
And on Friday, I fit in a quick trip to Kakabeka where I took some nice pics of the Falls. It was a great drive on a beautiful afternoon. Check out my flickr page to see my Falls pics!
So that was my Study Week. It was a nice break, although not long enough (I would've like to have fit in a few more novels that were better than Bridget Jones).
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day and New OUTSaga Stories!
Yesterday, I went over to a friend's house, where we had a Ham party. While there, we played four rounds of Once Upon a Time. I managed to tape most of them with my camera, and when I ran out of memory on my card (eventually I'm going to have to get a handheld recorder, but this seems to work for now), I wrote the last one and a half down. Today, I watched the videos and transcribed the stories. (Listening to the original stories was fun! That game is amazing!) So now all four of the new stories are now up on the Once Upon a Time blog, OUTSaga. As usual, they're hilarious!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
When I first saw this selling feature, I knew I had to get the chocolate bar just for the love poem; had know what it was. So as my friend and I were
In case you can't read it in the picture, here's the poem:
The Sleeping Beauty
Sleep on, and dream of Heaven awhile -
Tho' shut so close thy laughing eyes,
Thy rosy lips still wear a smile
And move, and breathe delicious sighs!
Ah, now soft blushes tinge her cheeks
And mantle o'er her neck of snow:
Ah, now she murmurs, now she speaks
What most I wish - and fear to know!
She starts, she trembles, and she weeps!
Her fair hands folded on her breast:
-And now, how like a saint she sleeps!
A seraph in the realms of rest!
Sleep on secure! Above controul
Thy thoughts belong to Heaven and thee:
And may the secret of thy soul
Remain within its sanctuary!
-Samuel Rogers.
Sunday, January 11, 2009

Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Monday, January 5, 2009
Merry (Early!) Ukrainian Christmas
This tradition is so much fun! It's always such a surprise to see what everyone gets! And this year was especially surprising: I got not one but multiple saws!!!!!
A lot of people probably don't know this about me, but last year, I was extremely sad that my brother would not let me saw the end of our Christmas tree off. This year again, my dad did the sawing and didn't even tell me he was going to bring the Christmas tree into the house! (My bro joked that I was off pouting when he came home and I wasn't around that night). There was also Christmas Eve, when we were watching Home Improvement and a guy carved a tree out of a block of ice, after which I declared that I wanted a chainsaw.
So for Ukrainian Christmas, my brother got me not one but MULTIPLE saws!!!!! On top of that, I also got a hammer and some nails. So if you need anything sawed, (or hammered) you know who to come to!

Once Upon a Time

I wandered into The Bookshelf today and found this random game. It sounded amazing, so I picked it up.
Once Upon a Time is a game that involves telling fairy stories. One player is the storyteller, who starts telling a story. They have cards with different fairy tale elements (such as events or characters), which they get to play when those elements come up in their story. Other players use their cards to steal the story from the storyteller, becoming the new storyteller themself. The winner is the player who gets through all of his or her cards and successfully guides the story to their ending card.
I have played one round of Once Upon a Time so far, and I love it! In fact, we had so much fun playing it that we might make a blog dedicated to the stories we come up with from this game!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy 2009!
It's hard to believe that 2008 is over! So much has happened over the last year. I've started several blogs that seem to be doing well (The List has about 60 posts on it, and Apocalypse Madness has 13 contributors). I've read many great books (and some not so great ones) and have written a fair bit. I am hoping to continue with everything in 2009 (Spacelord still has a lot more story to go!), and to hopefully drum up some more activity on Apocalypse Madness.