This tradition is so much fun! It's always such a surprise to see what everyone gets! And this year was especially surprising: I got not one but multiple saws!!!!!
A lot of people probably don't know this about me, but last year, I was extremely sad that my brother would not let me saw the end of our Christmas tree off. This year again, my dad did the sawing and didn't even tell me he was going to bring the Christmas tree into the house! (My bro joked that I was off pouting when he came home and I wasn't around that night). There was also Christmas Eve, when we were watching Home Improvement and a guy carved a tree out of a block of ice, after which I declared that I wanted a chainsaw.
So for Ukrainian Christmas, my brother got me not one but MULTIPLE saws!!!!! On top of that, I also got a hammer and some nails. So if you need anything sawed, (or hammered) you know who to come to!

LOL! Thats awesome!!! Unlike socket wrenches, one can never have to may saws.
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