Friday, December 26, 2008
Merry Boxing Day!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Zombie Hamlet
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Spacelord to Return this Coming Monday!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Mr. Something Something
Exams are Finished!!!!!!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
What's Happening this December?
Well, I just finished an update on the List. The List has 102 books on it as of this moment. As I said in my post, I am planning on doing a lot of reading. I have started another anthology, I have a few graphic novels to read, and I'd love to get another List novel out of the way before starting into next term's school books.
But before I can even begin to tackle my reading projects, I am in the middle of exams (quite literally. I has one exam yesterday, and my last one is on Monday). My first exam went well (I hope!) and I have to get going on studying for the next one. Oh yeah, and I have to keep going with my applications to Grad school.
While this is happening, I have decided to stay away from Xbox Live. I've been itching to play a couple of games (I finally opened Assassin's Creed! It's fun! Why did I wait so long to try it?). I most likely won't be able to get back onto Live until Tuesday night.
But more important than Xbox are the writing projects. I know I already wrote an Apocalypse Madness story this month (so I'm off the hook as far as that goes), but I have an idea for another story or two. I can't make any promises, but hopefully they'll work out.
And now the moment that everyone's been waiting for: Spacelord should be returning next Monday (the 15th)!!! This isn't official yet (depending on how things go, I may have to hold off until the 22nd) but that's what I'm aiming for. My official decision will become public by the end of this week. So stay tuned!!!!!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Be Kind Rewind

Friday, November 21, 2008
Hamlet 2!
Meanwhile, Fortinbras is making a pact with the Devil for troops to put down the revolting peasants. And Claudius is plotting to retake Denmark from beyond the grave!
I got to write Act 1 (there are three acts, as there are three of us). It was a lot of fun writing. Scene 2 is easily my favourite. I will be posting it eventually on Delivering Awesome (probably after it is handed in). I am also going to be drawing some pictures of scenes and characters for the play. If they turn out alright, I will post them on Delivering Awesome along with Act 1!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Home from Toronto
While on my trip, I managed to read a couple of books (Twilight and Spud in Winter; see the List for my reviews), and take a ton of pictures (they will be on my Flickr account hopefully in the next day or two). I took in the new Bond movie. I went to some of my favourite Toronto restaurants as well as a couple of new ones that I enjoyed. I took in the ROM, and managed to catch the end of the Christmas parade. And I still had time to hang out with my bro, playing random video games and watching cartoons. The only thing I didn't get to was and writing; I wanted to get my Apocalypse Madness story written, but just didn't have time. But all in all, this was a great trip!
Friday, November 7, 2008
English Papers
Alright, that's not entirely true. I can write an English paper. It will follow the MLA format. It will even be written rather well. But I'll still end up with a crappy mark. And why would that be? It appears that I write the papers the way I write psychology papers. I guess that's what I get for being a psychology student in English.
What exactly does this mean? No, it doesn't mean that I'm psychoanalyzing Hamlet, or writing about oedipal complexes in characters. It is more of the style that I am writing in. I don't jump right into the texts and go; I give background information, acknowledging what came before. This isn't always a bad thing, but in the paper I was working on all week, it really wasn't necessary to go back to Plato.
Yes, the writing style may be alright, but it's my content that is lacking. I'm failing to analyze the literature properly. So I have worked on one of my papers since last weekend every day, getting help and trying to rectify the problem. Hopefully this time I'll do alright. I have one more paper due next week, and that's it for the term.
One way or another, this is a learning experience!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Spacelord Once Again on Hold
Friday, October 17, 2008
Next Apocalypse Madness Quote Coming One Week from Monday!!!!!
I have written a rough draft of my story, so it should be posted within a few days!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
What's Coming Up
Non-school things that I also need to do includes a lot of writing. I need to get working on my Apocalypse Madness story. I also would like to revise the story I wrote for the Artery (but I might hold off on it for now and submit it for the next one). I am hoping to be writing Spacelord in here somewhere, but I may need to put that on hold for some of these other projects.
There are also a few other projects I've alluded to. I want to revise the Rhyssa Thorn story. And maybe write part two to the Phantom Dust story (it was originally intended to be three parts, but I don't know if that will happen. We'll see when I start writing it, if I do!)
I also have a few things to read, both for school and for fun. I want to read Twilight before the movie comes out. I have to read one more Shakespeare play, Richard II. And then I have several books in Children's Lit (the first of which is The Black Cauldron).
This is going to be a busy month!!!!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
No Spacelord this Week
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Shakespeare's "As You Like It"
Hands down I preferred the BBC version. It was very complete, and, although a bit long, very enjoyable. The BBC really captured the spirit of the play.
The Crown Video version, on the other had, was kind of bad. Parts of scenes, and in some cases whole scenes, were missing. It sort of reminded me of "The March of the Wooden Soldiers" in some parts. You could really tell it was an older movie, as some parts were a tad over dramatic. But I really liked the actors in this version; everyone was a really good match to the part.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
One Week to 2nd Apocalypse Madness Quote!!!!!
There is still lots of room if you'd like to contribute! Just send me an email!
Link Change
Friday, September 19, 2008
The Wasp Prince
I've been meaning to read this ever since it was posted, but I never seemed to have the time. Finally, I read it a few minutes ago. "The Wasp Prince" is a series of photos with an accompanying story by Aaron Nace and Rosie Hardy. I thought all four parts were hilarious! The characters were fun, and the story was highly entertaining! I'm hoping that they will continue writing as I cannot wait to read the next part!
Trapped in Our Own Fairytale
Fire in the Sky!
I went for a walk with my friend last night after dinner, and luckily I brought my camera. Last night had an absolutely beautiful sunset! Lately, I have seen sunsets with too much cloud cover, with the clouds obscuring the sun, or else too little, with no clouds at all. This time, there was just a bit of cloud, enough to give the sunset some beautiful colour, rather than just the glow.
I took a few shots of the sun, silhoutting the trees and lamp posts, but then right after the sun dipped below the tree line, I saw that the clouds looked amazing! The way they were positioned, it looked like the sky was on fire!
I had a bit of problems with the settings on my camera, but I did manage to get just this one shot showing the brilliance of the sunset! That totally made my entire night!!!!!
You can find "Fire in the Sky" on my Flickr photostream here.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
My 1st Apocalypse Madness Story is Up!
Apocalypse Madness is still looking for contributors! We're currently at 8% capacity, so there's still lots of room! If you're interested, email me here!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Spacelord Post Scheduled for Midnight!!!!
See this page if you need help figuring out how to schedule posts.
Apocalypse Madness
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Tin Man

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
First youtube Video!
Apocalypse Madness!
I think this is going to be great fun! You can check out the blog at:
Monday, August 25, 2008
Spacelord is Up!!!!
More Camping!
I'll be posting some pictures on Flickr from the trip over the next few days. I didn't take a whole lot, but I got a couple of neat pics of some ducks and a groundhog.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
The List
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Camping Pictures Finally on Flickr!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Home from Camp!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Getting Ready for Camping!
In preparation, I do need to go and buy some more fishing lures though - I found out on Sunday (my last fishing trip on the Kam) that I only have boring lures in my tackle box. So Friday I am heading shopping!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Spacelord is now every Second Monday
It was really nice this last week though. I felt like I had lots of time to think of exactly what would happen!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Monday's Spacelord Post
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Ninja Gaiden 2

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
the Dark Knight

No Spacelord This Week
Friday, July 18, 2008
Strawberry Picking!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
No Sunshine Shot For Me Tonight....
I've gone Pro!!!!
A Love Story
I hope that no matter what happens in between, this modern fairy tale has a happy ending!
Also, be sure to check out Aaron's blog, I enjoy reading it (when he updates it!)
Monday, July 14, 2008
The Spacelord Delimma
Welcome to My World . . .
Hello everyone! I've been thinking about starting a new blog for a little while, ever since I started looking into getting more traffic to the Detective Spacelord blog. After a comment from someone on yahoo answers that said the Spacelord blog is closed to people, I thought it might be easier to start a new blog, and hopefully people will find their way to Spacelord from that. So here we are!
This blog is going to be a lot of things, but mainly it will be telling what is going on in my life. If something is going on, and I won't be able to post a new Spacelord post, then you'll definitely hear about it on here! But I may also talk about important events, other blogs of mine like The List ( or any others I may create, and whatever!
Welcome to my world . . .