Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Charity Print Auctions
There's a group on Flickr who is auctioning prints of their pictures for Haiti! The idea behind Charity Print Auctions is that individuals bid in the comments of the picture. The auction will end at a designated time, at which point the highest bidder pays the winning amount to a charity designated by the photographer. The photographer then makes a print copy of the photo and sends it to the winner. Almost 100 prints have already been sold, with winners making donations to charities like the Red Cross, Shelter Box and Doctors Without Borders. I've made my donation to the Canadian Red Cross and will be expecting a beautiful print in the mail in the near future! I'm also considering offering one of my pictures up for auction, but I'll work out the details after I'm done my school seminar. Please, check out the group, or donate to help Haiti in their time of need!
Haiti earthquake,
Sunday, January 17, 2010
New Fish and New Gallery
So here he is, my new fish, Ichabod! I had a really hard time deciding which fish to get, but I finally decided to get him (I was also choosing between three veil tails. One was white with blue on its fins, one was red with pink, and the third was a pretty blue). But in the end, this guy was just so beautiful that I had to have him! I have one other picture of him on Flickr, so definitely check it out!
To celebrate, I made another new gallery. This one is betta pictures! It was so hard to choose the 18 shots because there are just so many beautiful betta pictures on Flickr. I tried to put a variety of shots and fish into the gallery. There are both male and female bettas, as well as halfmoons, crowntails, veiltails and everything in between!
Found: My Saucer Scout!

I was randomly looking at Lego guys on Ebay, when I remembered that years ago, I had one Lego Space set. I also remembered that the last time I saw the set, it was sitting in my closet (which is not where the rest of my Legos are) fully built. I wasn't sure if I'd eventually put him in with the rest of my Lego or not, so I took a quick look in my closet. Fortunately, I found him almost right away, buried beneath some other things. Other than being a bit dusty, everything is in good shape; more to the point, the set wasn't missing anything!
I did a bit of poking around, and I was able to discover that this set was the Saucer Scout from the Spyrius Space collection. I don't really remember why I ended up with this set; it's the only space set I have (I have mostly older Knight sets, the majority of which are Dragon Masters, and Paradise, because that's obviously what a girl who plays with Lego wants - insert eye roll here).
Needless to say, now that I've dusted him off, I'll probably try taking some pictures of him on wacky adventures - maybe he'll even meet the Snowtroopers!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
New Gallery and New Deer Pics Uploaded!
Yes, I made another new gallery. This one was inspired by a picture my dad took of leaves covered in frost. The entire gallery is pictures of leaves, flowers and berries covered in frost and ice. There are some beautiful pics, so definitely take a look!
I also uploaded the deer pictures I took a few days ago. My dad and I went for a drive and found the cutest fawn by the side of the road with his mom. I have some fantastic shots, which are all on my photostream!
Finally, in unrelated news, I bought a new fish today! Pics will be coming soon!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
After poking around on Flickr a bit and finding some awesome shots of Stormtroopers, many of which were Lego Stormtroopers, I wanted to get into the action. So I went and bought myself some Snowtroopers. Unfortunately, there are currently no little Star Wars Lego sets with Stormtroopers, so I had to settle on the Snowtroopers. But being winter, I thought Snowtroopers were fitting for taking some fun outdoor pics. So I went home and headed outside with my new Snowtroopers. I took a few pics and then my camera's batteries died! Luckily a few pics turned out, two of which are posted on my Flickr page. Definitely star tuned for more Snowtroopers in the future! 
Snowtroopers in Tree
Originally uploaded by s.kosoris

Snowtroopers in Tree
Originally uploaded by s.kosoris
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Last Gallery for the Night
I originally had only 14 pictures in My Your Best Shot 2009 Cats gallery. So I decided to bring it up to the full 18. Unfortunately, there were so many nice cat pics in Your Best Shot 2009 that I couldn't decide amongst them. So I built a second gallery of cat pics. Enjoy!
Your Best Shot 2009 Big Cats
This was the first gallery that I created. It originally had only 5 shots. I took a few minutes and finished it. It now has the full 18 I'm allowed to put into a gallery. There were some spectacular shots of big cats in Your Best Shot 2009, and I wanted to put them all together. Enjoy!
Another Gallery
lol, I made another Gallery. This one's called "A Mask of Leaves." A picture from Your Best Shot 2009 started it all. Enjoy!
Flickr Galleries!!!!!
A few days ago, I discovered Flickr Galleries! Galleries are collections of up to 18 pictures taken by other people that you put together however you'd like. I started making them out of the Your Best Shot 2009 group. The first gallery that I made has some of the big cat (lions, tigers, leopards, etc) pictures from the group. The second gallery I made has some of the fantastic house cat shots from the group. I think this second gallery is better than the first one, just bcause I have a better idea of what I'm doing. The third gallery I made has nothing to do with the Your Best Shot group. Instead, I decided to make a Star Wars gallery. But after I had brought about 8 pictures together and realized that 7 of them were Stormtrooper pictures, I switched it to a Stormtrooper gallery. Please check all three galleries out, ands stay tuned for more! And thanks to everyone featured in the galleries (and those who didn't make the cut - it was tough!) for sharing their fantastic shots!
Here's a link to all the galleries that I make. Enjoy!
Here's a link to all the galleries that I make. Enjoy!
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year everyone! 2009 was a great year, and I'm hoping 2010 will be even better!
The first important thing that I've done this year concerns Apocalypse Madness. There were 14 authors there, and only 6 post with any regularity. Once again, the idea is that a quote is posted on the last Monday of every month, and you write and post a story which is inspired by the quote. You do not have to post every month (sometimes you are busy, or the quote just doesn't inspire you), so there's no pressure if you forget or whatever for a month or two. But I do want authors who will contribute during the year. So all of the people who joined and have not posted anything at all, or anything in the last year were removed; the blog is down to 6 authors now. If you are interested in becoming a contributor, there's still lots of room (there can be 100 authors). Send me an email at inkscribbler@gmail.com and I'll add you to the blog!
The first important thing that I've done this year concerns Apocalypse Madness. There were 14 authors there, and only 6 post with any regularity. Once again, the idea is that a quote is posted on the last Monday of every month, and you write and post a story which is inspired by the quote. You do not have to post every month (sometimes you are busy, or the quote just doesn't inspire you), so there's no pressure if you forget or whatever for a month or two. But I do want authors who will contribute during the year. So all of the people who joined and have not posted anything at all, or anything in the last year were removed; the blog is down to 6 authors now. If you are interested in becoming a contributor, there's still lots of room (there can be 100 authors). Send me an email at inkscribbler@gmail.com and I'll add you to the blog!
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