Saturday, September 27, 2008
Shakespeare's "As You Like It"
Hands down I preferred the BBC version. It was very complete, and, although a bit long, very enjoyable. The BBC really captured the spirit of the play.
The Crown Video version, on the other had, was kind of bad. Parts of scenes, and in some cases whole scenes, were missing. It sort of reminded me of "The March of the Wooden Soldiers" in some parts. You could really tell it was an older movie, as some parts were a tad over dramatic. But I really liked the actors in this version; everyone was a really good match to the part.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
One Week to 2nd Apocalypse Madness Quote!!!!!
There is still lots of room if you'd like to contribute! Just send me an email!
Link Change
Friday, September 19, 2008
The Wasp Prince
I've been meaning to read this ever since it was posted, but I never seemed to have the time. Finally, I read it a few minutes ago. "The Wasp Prince" is a series of photos with an accompanying story by Aaron Nace and Rosie Hardy. I thought all four parts were hilarious! The characters were fun, and the story was highly entertaining! I'm hoping that they will continue writing as I cannot wait to read the next part!
Trapped in Our Own Fairytale
Fire in the Sky!
I went for a walk with my friend last night after dinner, and luckily I brought my camera. Last night had an absolutely beautiful sunset! Lately, I have seen sunsets with too much cloud cover, with the clouds obscuring the sun, or else too little, with no clouds at all. This time, there was just a bit of cloud, enough to give the sunset some beautiful colour, rather than just the glow.
I took a few shots of the sun, silhoutting the trees and lamp posts, but then right after the sun dipped below the tree line, I saw that the clouds looked amazing! The way they were positioned, it looked like the sky was on fire!
I had a bit of problems with the settings on my camera, but I did manage to get just this one shot showing the brilliance of the sunset! That totally made my entire night!!!!!
You can find "Fire in the Sky" on my Flickr photostream here.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
My 1st Apocalypse Madness Story is Up!
Apocalypse Madness is still looking for contributors! We're currently at 8% capacity, so there's still lots of room! If you're interested, email me here!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Spacelord Post Scheduled for Midnight!!!!
See this page if you need help figuring out how to schedule posts.
Apocalypse Madness
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Tin Man