Saturday, August 8, 2009

Back Home from Yet Another Camping Trip

This week I've gone on two separate camping trips! For the long weekend I went out to my Uncle's Camp, came back for a few days, then went to Sibley for a night.

The Huronian trip was a lot of fun. We were originally going to go on Friday night, but the forecast said rain on Saturday so we waited the night and left Saturday morning. Thankfully the rest of the weekend was nice. The weather wasn't the warmest, but it didn't rain so we got in some fishing (pickerel Sunday night and bass Monday). I went swimming on Sunday (which wasn't the best idea as the lake is STILL freezing!) after my adventures seeing a bear (I was picture taking when I came up to a hill. Suddenly something big and black ran away down the path then turned to see what I'd do. I was afraid that it was a cub so I turned and walked back the way I'd come. Of course I was kicking myself afterwards that I didn't take any pics!)

The Sibley trip was originally supposed to be a one night interior camping trip at Quetico. But the way the weather has been this whole summer, we decided to play it safe by going to Sibley with the bikes and staying in the van (so if it was pouring when we woke up we could easily pack up and go home). The first day was a beautiful, warm and sunny day. We biked to Silver Islet, saw a bunch of deer and had a nice campfire. Perfect! But nothing could prepare me for this morning...the Weather Network had changed the forecast to a 70% chance of rain for today so I had already written it off as a day of rain and going home early. Instead, the sun was shining and there wasn't a cloud in the sky for most of the day! So we took another bike ride, this time to the dam, saw some more deer, hung out on the beach reading and fit in a nature trail; another perfect day!

So I'm back home now, after two great days at Sibley. I've uploaded my pics onto Flickr, so please go and check them out!!!