Monday, March 11, 2013

"Fairy in the Flowers" now on Red Bubble!

Recently I took a fun picture of my fairy minifig hanging out in a gerber daisy.  While I posted two different versions of the same picture (you can find the other one here), I liked this one a lot better (it's currently my laptop's background!)  I liked it so much that I decided to share it on Red Bubble, too. 

When I first tried shooting this picture, I didn't have a very good background.  Luckily I thought to use the poinsettia we had this Christmas; both the foreground leaf and the leaf behind the right gerber flower belong to the poinsettia.  To finish the shot off, I backlit the fairy using a flashlight hidden behind the leaves. 

You can find "Fairy in the Flowers" for sale on Red Bubble, along with some of my other Lego pictures.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013